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  • Bob Russo

Bob Russo, Award Winning Industry Veteran, Launches New Event Design + Consulting Agency

BOSTON, May 10, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Bob Russo Event Design + Consult – an Event Design and Brand Elevation Agency specializing in event design, consultation, and creative services for live, hybrid, and virtual events, today announces the launch of the signature agency. Additionally, the new website is live, and further highlights its unique market position, satisfying diverse organizations' event needs. The new agency is the culmination of Bob Russo's continued industry evolution and expansion into the key service offerings, industries and geographies to better support the world's leading companies.

Bob Russo, an award-winning designer and creative director with over thirty-five years of experience designing experiential environments for conferences, tradeshows, theatre and museums, immersive branded experiences for corporate headquarters and pop-up retail, launched the new agency to better serve the design challenges faced by organizations seeking improved brand engagement and advocacy in experiential marketing.

"The work being done at Bob Russo Event Design + Consult is a direct response to the evolving business demands of our clients and modern brands everywhere," said Bob Russo, creative force behind the brand. "Our approach and designs are developed from strategic solutions to help them not only meet, but exceed their event goals. My mission has always been to be the partner that brands can come to for the resources and smart solutions they need to be a disruptive player in their arena."

Bob Russo Event Design + Consult helps clients navigate through the complexities from ideation to execution with impactful messaging and captivating visuals. By providing end-to-end service, the agency is able to deliver creative solutions that intersect with purposeful events to deliver exceptional experiences.

About Bob Russo Event Design + Consult Matter is an Event Design and Brand Elevation Agency. Founded and launched in 2022, the agency is headquartered in Boston, MA, and services a global clientele across a diverse portfolio of live, hybrid, and virtual events. For more information, visit


Bob Russo 617-594-2541

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